Home Birth Midwifery Care

  • Prenatal Care

    Your care is centered around you, your family, your wants and your lived experience. Our focus as midwives is relationship-building so that we can have an intimate understanding of who you are and what you want for your birth.

    We offer hour-long prenatal visits monthly until you’re 28 weeks along, every two weeks until 36 weeks, then weekly until you give birth. Our visits are focused on how you’re doing - your wellness as a whole being. Most of our visits are spent chatting, and we complete each visit by checking in on you and baby using traditional midwifery skills, such as palpating your baby’s position and listening to your baby’s heart beat with the fetoscope.

    Your support systems are welcomed to any and all visits with our team. We welcome loved ones, family, children, friends, doulas - whoever you want with you! Bringing life into the world was historically a community-based, normal life event. We believe holding space for your village in your care is key to helping you enter parenthood feeling supported and held.

  • Home Birth

    We believe birth works best when the birthing person is able to listen to and trust their bodies and intuitions without time limits, contraints, or interruptions.

    We bring patience, loving support, and a calm, quiet presence into your birthing space, focusing on helping you lean into what your body is intuitively telling you to do and minimizing interruption.

    We support your process based on what you need as you labor. Sometimes, people want their midwives hands-on through every wave and other times, they want us sitting quietly while they birth and catch their baby. We are experienced and skilled at sitting on our hands, and when needed, offering physical support, encouragement and affirmation, and holistic suggestions for comfort and progress.

    Both of our midwives are certified in neonatal resuscitation and BLS. Though most births occur with no need for intervention, we come equipped with medications and medical equipment to handle complications should they arise.

  • Waterbirth

    Hydrotherapy is an effective tool at managing comfort during labor, especially in the later stages and during pushing. We provide a spacious water birth tub as part of your care, and you are able to use the birthing tub as desired throughout your labor and birth. We drop off your birthing tub during your 36-week home visit, so you have the ability to set it up and test out your water connections before your birthing day. Each family we work with orders a birth kit towards the end of pregnancy which contains a tub liner and hose for the birthing tub, and the midwives will help you plan out setup during your home visit.

    There are no eligibility requirements or restrictions to using a tub during your labor or birthing in the water.

  • After Birth

    We stay for 3-4 hours after your birth to care for you and your baby, and to make sure everyone is transitioning well. We monitor your bleeding, support you in birthing your placenta, and monitor baby’s transition while the cord remains attached and baby is skin to skin with you. We are deeply protective of this sacred time, and ensure your family’s bonding remains uninterrupted and prioritized for the first few hours after the birth.

    Once you’ve settled in, had some nourishment and have fed your baby, we’ll perform a newborn examination and a perineal examination in case you need a repair. We’ll offer any newborn procedures you’ve consented to, and clean up your birthing space before we tuck your new family in for some rest.

  • Postpartum & Newborn Care

    We see you and your baby 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, and 6 weeks after your baby is born. We’ll perform any newborn screens you’ve consented to at your day 1 home visit. We offer full postpartum and newborn care at every visit, including lactation support. Typically, we will discharge your baby into your pediatricians care after our final 6 week postpartum visit.

    We’re here for the entire family during your postpartum time, checking in on how everyone is adjusting, your physical healing and emotional wellness, ensuring you have the support that you need, and addressing any concerns or questions you have.

    At your final postpartum visit, we will check-in on any last needs you have, such as family planning, paps, or pelvic floor PT. We work with many community partners to ensure you are well supported as you end your care course with us.

  • Placenta Encapuslation

    Consuming the placenta to restore the birthing person after birth has been used for centuries in cultures all over the world. Placenta medicine has been reported to improve energy levels, regulate and increase breast milk production, restore iron, reduce bleeding, and regulate hormones during the postpartum period. We offer placenta encapsulation, tinctures, and prints to all Twin Cities families, and offer these services to our midwifery clients for a reduced fee.

    The evidence on placenta encapsulation is mostly anecdotal yet compelling, with parents all over the world reporting a variety of benefits. We offer both the raw and traditional chinese method preparation methods, and make a complimentary heart-shaped keepsake of your baby’s umbilical cord.

We look forward to hearing about your dream birth.